Janell reports on last night's Live to Dance. Thanks for Living to Recap!:
This is only the fifth episode of the show, but suddenly I feel like it’s been on forever. It’s hard when we know so little about these acts, but we have to vote them straight to the finals, and we don’t get to watch them train and improve. Call that a backhanded shout-out to So You Think You Can Dance.
Host Andrew tells us that this is the biggest night so far, because it’s the last night before the finals. And in two weeks, we’ll get a winner. Do you know what that means? Next week is performances, and then a week after that we get an hour-long results show. I’m curious how they’ll fill up all that time. Will they invite Bev and Hap back?
Remember last week, when, much like the week before and the week after, six acts performed? And the judges picked ballet duo White Tree Fine Art to move forward, so they could seem sophisticated? Andrew is ready to tell us who the People of America voted for. This time, no one is on stage with Andrew until he calls out Twitch (starring Anthony!), and they come running out of the audience. I wonder if they were the only group on standby, if the show sent all the others home. Not very suspenseful, there. I don’t think Andrew even gave us a dramatic pause. That’s all beside the point, though, because my 10 votes counted and I get to see Anthony! dance one more time next week. Oh, by the way, Paula says that the People of America made the right choice. Whew! I’d hate to have Paula mad at us.
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